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EPISODE 180 of a Daily Dose of Greatness Quest with Trevor Crane


I’d like to take you on a journey today. And give you an invitation to join me.
I’m setting a BIG, “90-day challenge” right now.
And I’d like to bring you along with me. Join me through my own “discovery’” and also,  hopefully, have you SET and GET a big AMAZING goal of your own.
We’ll start with this question:

Whatever you’re doing right now, consider: “IS THIS WHAT YOU WERE ​BORN​ TO DO?”


Whatever you’re doing right now, consider: “IS THIS WHAT YOU WERE ​BORN​ TO DO?”

“I know I was born to do so much more.” – Trevor Crane

I know I was born to do so much more.


Look at where you’re at right now and ask yourself these questions:

Is this what you were born to do? What is it that you ​want,​ that you don’t yet have?


Get a FREE COPY of my book, HIGH PAYING CLIENTS at: trevorcrane.com/freebook


Trevor Crane is best known for 2 bestselling books, High Paying Clients and Big Money With Your Book… without selling a single copy.

If you want to become IRRESISTIBLE to your ideal target client, and massively grow your leads sales and revenue, Trevor can help you craft a book that becomes your most powerful marketing tool, in 90-days or less. For details visit: EpicAuthor.com


Welcome to another daily dose of greatness quest. It’s your boy Trevor Crane. And  today I’m coming at you in side of the one room of my house that my wife actually lets  me put up all the pictures of the memories of my past and what we’ve done together.  

And I’d like to take you on a journey today and give you an invitation to join me. I’m on a 90-day challenge right now. I would like to bring you along the path with me. 

The subject for today is IS THIS WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO?  

And I want to go ahead and tell you story about that guy right there. This is a 20  years ago, I was just looking at this picture do the day, that guy that dog, I’m going to go  ahead and share this with you. I know you’re gonna love this show. 
By the way, if you are listening to this, instead of watching this, if you’d like to see  the pictures and and see me present today I go to ​trevorcrane.tv​. So you can check this  out on YouTube so that you can see this on video. All right. Talk to you soon.

Okay, so I want to tell you about this guy 20 years ago, actually, over 20 years ago,  I graduated high school in 1989. And it was getting ready like it was a couple of years  before our 10 year reunion. 
And one of the wild football instructors called me up and he asked me a question  about what I was doing. And he was trying to follow up with me and and different  students that we went to high school with, and go ahead and report to his existing  students. 

Because he was still teaching high school and he asked me about my dream about  what I wanted to do. And I was in the process of building this business. So this is me see  if I can get the lighting, right. 
This is me 20 years ago, and that’s my dog ISIS, and I was living what I thought  was the dream for me at the time. I had a vision of starting my own business and running a Paris sale and watersports business. So this was my third pair sailboat.  

And this is kind of the height of what I was doing at the time. I wanted to run an adventure tours business. I wanted to give people that when they had my vision was to go ahead and give people the best holiday of their life, the best adventure their life.  

In the past few years, I’ve learned to do all these amazing things in water, sports, and travel and adventure and in the Bahamas. And I was living in Naples, Florida, and I  wanted to start a tour business. I wanted to start a business. 
We worked out of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, that’s the hotel right there. And I wanted  to buy my first Paris sailboat, and then I expanded it into a kayak tour business. We had  these little inflatable boats and wave runners. And I expanded that business. And it was  the coolest thing in the world.  

And I told my football coach that this was my dream. And he asked me some  questions. It was interesting, because when we’re talking about it, he double. He was like  trying to get clear about my purpose. And whether or not this is what I wanted to make  happen. And it truly was he challenged me with a few questions.  

And at the time, I was like, This is what I want to do. I want to learn to be a  captain, I want to have start this pair sell business and whatnot. And this, this, this  picture montage here is the height of that success. 

And that picture right down there of me having my little dog sitting on my lap and  going to work with me every day was part of that. And there came a time there’s another  picture of me with my puppy dog ISIS out on wave runners.  

So here’s the thing. There came a time when I was driving that boat. And I had  one of the best days of my life. As far as in work wise, I had amazing girls on the boat.  They’re all pretty girls. And we made a lot of money that day. 
And I drove the boat. I had fun all day. And I had people having such a good time  that they would hug me at the end of the trip and say, Oh my gosh, this is the best  vacation of my life.  

All the things that I wanted to come true and experienced all of that it was a  beautiful sunrise them morning. It was a beautiful sunset. And I was driving the boat home at the end of the day, after making good money doing what I thought I’d wanted to  do. And I was bored out of my mind. 

I was bored. And I felt like I’d wasted my day here. I had the most beautiful  weather the most beautiful day. I had made money. 

I had done all the things that I wanted to do. But I was bored. And I was also living  partially alive every day. I had to work with someone who lied to me. And then I would  lie to him. What an amazing way to work. 

And so I as much as I had built all of this and I had so much invested. I asked the  question of: Is this all that life has for me? Is this what I was meant to do?  

And I realized what I felt like was it although I was living what I had thought at  one point to be a dream of the best life ever. Look at all this fun adventure. I was  miserable because I thought I had was driving a bus.  

I thought I was like what had like I had accomplished this dream. I was having all  this fun. But I was just I knew I was meant for more.  

So my question for you today is, let’s go ahead. I’m going to write this down for  you. Actually, I already wrote it down because I want you to start with a brand new slate.  I just came up with a new commitment from myself for a 90-day challenge. I’m going to  share that with you here real soon. 
But here’s my question for you. Is this what you were born to do? So I’m not  saying that you’re in the wrong vehicle right now. I know that for myself, I was. And I  knew that it was time for me to ask some powerful questions. 
So my question for you is, is this what you were born to do whatever you are  doing right now, like I needed to make a shift. My next shift was into another. I actually  hold on.  

Here’s what happened. I was scared of this question. I was scared of what was  going to be next. And so I slowly sabotage that watersports business until I lost  everything. And I just start over from scratch. And I got a new a new business.  

They got me that brought me more financial abundance than ever. And I think I  ran that water sports business for about seven years. My next business i’d built up to making millions of dollars in short period of time, it was like maybe within two years, we done that, or three years, something like that it was an environmental protection business.  

And I’m so grateful because I’d found a mentor to help me grow that business.  And we’re doing really, really well. And I found myself asking this question again. Is this  all that there is to my life? Is this what I was born to do?  

And I remember very specifically a conversation I had with my mother, it was like  this transformational moment, like I just mentioned, one on the Paris elbow driving  home at sunset, I can still remember it.
I’m having this amazing day and feeling like my life was worthless, and that I’ve  wasted my day, even though is amazing. And my business was doing really well, in the  second business, the Environmental Protection business, I was talking to my mom about  life and what I wanted, and she said, Is this which you want to do? 

And the answer was no. And again, I was too scared to make a change and a shift.  And so I sabotage that business within a short period of time. That’s what stimulated the  $2.2 million bankruptcy where I lost everything. 

And I was twice that I didn’t have the courage to ask an answer this question. So  my question again for you is, is this what you were born to do whatever you’re doing  today, and then I’ve got some follow up questions I’m going to share with you tomorrow. 

I’ve been journaling about these questions, I want to share them with you. But I  want to give you the beginning of just giving you the simple exercise of is what you’re  doing right now, which you will be born to do. And but it is that is awesome.  

Then double down on this time to double down with some new goals between  now and the end of the year. We’ve got three more months before the end of 2018. And  I’d like to invite you on a journey to join me on my own discovery and my own setting  and getting of amazing big goals. 
And I figured I would get started with this core question of whether or not you’re  happy where you’re at. Now, here’s the thing I have been happy. I’m extremely grateful  where I’m at today. This wall that I have in my house, it’s in our bathroom. Upstairs is the one wall and the house that I have, where we put all these pictures. 

I have the most amazing wife. I have the most amazing kids. This is little montage  of our little son that was just born I have amazing oh my gosh, this is like every year for  the first few years of my time with my wife and all these amazing experiences we have.
I have so much but I know that I was born to do so much more. So I’m not saying  that your life isn’t great already. That’s not the point. It’s like, what else is it that you  want that you don’t have? What is it that you want that you don’t have?  

Let’s get clear about that. Let’s focus on it. Let’s spend the next 90 days together  trying to make that a reality. That’s my invitation for you today.  

I challenge you to look at where you’re at right now. Ask those couple of  questions. Is this what you were born to do? Aand what is it that you want that you don’t  have? Let’s go ahead and do this together.
I’m going to go ahead and tune into tomorrow with some more questions on this  daily dose of greatness quest. I can’t wait to talk to you later.
To get even more awesomeness, which means all my best stuff, download my app by texting ​Trevor​ to ​36260​. It will show up right on your cell phone.