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EPISODE 111 of a Daily Dose of Greatness Quest with Trevor Crane


I wanted to share something with you that inspires me today. It’s an inspirational video  by Eric Thomas, or “ET The Hip Hop Preacher.” It’s called, “​I can. I will. I must.”

I love this video.  

I think he shares this from the standpoint of someone who feels like they need to get  “out” of something. To break free. To escape, if you’re feeling held down.  

I’m more “pulled” by it. Pulled forward towards getting my BIG goals. 

I don’t know whether or not you feel like you’re “underneath” something you’ve got to  get out of… or you’re feeling “pulled” forward.

Either way, I think you’re gonna like this. 



What do you want?


“Go where you’re celebrated, not tolerated.” – Eric Thomas

Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated

“You were born to be great.” – Trevor Crane

You were born to be great


Watch the video by ET and be inspired. 


Get a FREE COPY of my book, HIGH PAYING CLIENTS at: trevorcrane.com/freebook


Trevor Crane is best known for 2 bestselling books, High Paying Clients and Big Money With Your Book… without selling a single copy.

If you want to become IRRESISTIBLE to your ideal target client, and massively grow your leads sales and revenue, Trevor can help you craft a book that becomes your most powerful marketing tool, in 90-days or less. For details visit: EpicAuthor.com


Welcome to another episode of greatness quest.  

And today we’re going to do things a little bit different. I’m going to share with you  a snippet from a Facebook Live that I did this morning in anticipation of changing up the  way that I do my podcast. And I’m also going to share with you something that inspires  me.  

So every morning I’m doing, I’m trying to find somebody who lights me up and  fires me up and inspires me and I wanted to share that with you today. Today is, the title  of today’s episode is I CAN. I WILL. I MUST.  

I know you’ll gonna love the show.  


Alright, so welcome back. Like I said, I wanted to share with you something that  inspires me every day. And that’s going to be a video in the main part of today’s show.  

But I also wanted to give you a little bit of the video that I just made for Facebook  Live because it’s going to share with you a little bit of something that scares me and also  something that inspires me and fires me up. 

And I’m not always proud or excited to share with you something that scares me  but part of me facing that fear is actually being authentic and telling you what the hell is  going on. 
So I’m going to share that with you next. And then I’m going to post up a really  cool video from I’d like to say a friend of mine. I always considered my mentors that I  pay a lot of attention to my friends even though they don’t necessarily know me all that  well. 

I know them and I talked to them all the time and they talked to me all the time  isn’t that what you call a friend? I think so. But this is my friend will call them that et the  hip hop preacher he’s completely badass. 

I love this video. I’m going to share with you a little bit in this episode. And if  you’re listening to this on audio make sure you go check out the video because I think it’s inspiring. They did a great job, ET and his team putting this thing together. I watch it  often. 

And today, I’m going to share with you and it’s a video he calls “I can. I will. I  must.”. And I think he shares this from the standpoint of someone who feels like they  need to get out of something. Like they’re there, they’re wanting to escape, they’re feeling  held down.  

And I feel that I’m more calm, more pulled so I can hit that big goal. I will do that  big thing and I must do it and I must do it now. So I don’t know whether or not you feel  like you’re underneath something you’ve got to get out of some pattern or habit or  whether you’re feeling pulled so I hope you enjoy that.

Look on part man I’ve been I’ve been listened to me. I’ve been reading your post some of y’all you like “ET, I’m frustrated.” et actually I came fell another test he I can’t take another loss Listen to me some of you I’m a religion tire I feel you you tire someone you scared lose some of you heard.

Listen to me very closely. I need you to do me a favor, do me a favor. Don’t. Don’t worry about what’s going to happen the rest of this year. Like don’t even give me the rest of this month. Like flat out. I’m not interested in tomorrow like today. Do me a huge favor. Can you just survive the day?

Alright, I want you to say this with me because I’m gonna give you what helped your boy out. Alright? So I need you. I need you to say this with me. I can. I will. Yup! I must.

Alright, for real. This is a different TGIM. I just need you to do me a huge favor. Come on. Come on. Work with me. Work with me. I can. I will. I must.

Are you hearing what I’m telling you? Now, I’m not an English teacher. So I’m not asking you to say this, just be saying, Like I want you to speak life into that thing. Whatever it is. Whatever it was frustrating you.

Like, for real. You feel like “E, I can’t fail another test. Like, “I can’t go through another day like this”. Like “E. I can’t handle it. I can’t take it.”

Listen to me very closely. Say it with me. And breathe life into whatever that thing is. We gonna speak life into death right now.

Whatever your circumstances are, say it with me. I CAN. Yup. I need you to feel it. I CAN. I remember when I was homeless. I was like, “I CAN get through this.”

Listen to me. I WILL. I WILL get through this. I MUST get through this.

Look, I need you to look at that sickness that’s going on in your life right now. Whatever it is. I want you to say, “I CAN beat it.” Yup. I CAN beat it. I WILL beat it. I MUST.

I got kids to live for. I’ve got a family live for. I ain’t through yet. My life ain’t over yet.

Listen to me. I need you to, that test you failed the third time. I need you to look at that test and speak life into it.

I went from being homeless to where I am right now. And the first thing I did was, you better hear me closely, the first thing I did was I said, “I CAN get through.” I CAN get through this.

You just gotta have that mindset that no matter what you’re going through, no matter no matter what challenges you’re facing right now, you gotta have that mindset that “I can get through this thing.” I can make it through it.

And I made it through. Listen to me. I outlast. Some things you just gotta outlast. Every sleepless night. Listen to me!

Every cold night. The winter in Detroit in the abandoned buildings, in cars sleeping in. Listen to me. I was sleeping all over. I outlasted it.

There are some things in life you don’t need no degree for, you don’t need no money for. Listen to me, You don’t need no support for.

There are some things in life you just gonna get through when you tell yourself “I’m gonna get through this.”

This is the TGIM where I tell you, “You can get through it.”

And then second, you just gotta outlast some stuff. That’s for real.

Haters – I had all kinds of stuff and I just made up in my mind. Look, I might not have been stronger.

Listen to me. I might not have been smarter. I might not have been brighter. But I made up in my mind, “I’m gonna get through this.”

So we’re gonna put an image up and I need you to see this image right and I’m when I when you look at this image where I want you to see is this just this is just this is classic of my man.

Look at it he got to he hit he hit he probably got 998 hits. he got one more he just got one or two more days and alum diamonds gonna come out and you know why he’ll never see diamonds.

Look, 998 hits, he had 2 or 3 left and he would have cracked that thing. But you know why he never succeeded? And why most of you never succeeded?

Because you keep giving up!

Every single Listen to me he gave up if you don’t give up you should have gave up last year if he was gonna give up. You should have gave up two years ago you should have gave up $2,000 ago you should listen to him. You should have quit a long time ago you didn’t already put in 998 hits.

Get some out of it. You finish school you won’t quit now you finish school and now as hard as you can find a job you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t quit your first class. You mean to tell me you went through four years five years of school and now you quit? now you give up? so I want you to look at this image for me, I’ma tell you something, this guy right here would have been successful. How do you never given up.

And I’m telling you, some things in life is not about what you think it is. It’s just about making up your mind that you will not give up. You’re not gonna quit.

And so your boy went from being homeless to where I am now. And I failed classes, guys.

Listen to me. Just because you failed don’t make you a failure. And just because you lost don’t make you a loser.

And what I did that most people are not willing to do is I just never gave up. Consistent! I just never quit.

Alright, so we got we don’t get it. I gotta go. I let you go. I gotta let you go. She got here. I can. I will. I must. Are you hearing me? I can. I will.

I must I leave you with this. I’m not telling you. It’s gonna be easy. I’m not saying that. But it’s real simple.

ET, what do you mean?

You get to anything with them. You can make it do anything. If you just say you say these words. So cut this thing off. I just want you to play your favorite song. Look, look. I want you to look in the mirror. And once you tell yourself I am a survivor. Listen to me. You can get through this.

You just got to work a little harder, right? You just gotta press a little deeper. Listen, we all know what should I do? I’m telling just don’t give up and don’t give a and it’s absolutely nothing you can do. So if it was easy, everybody would do it. But I know something about you.

If you’re watching me, you know some of it. I know something about you. I know you’re not a quitter. I know you’re a survivor, I know you’re a survivor you’re watching me right now, I know something about you You are a survivor.

So I want you to get off this. I want you to cut it off. I want you to go into me. And I want you to make the rest of your life the best of your life. I can. I will. I can. I will. I must. I can. I will. I must.

It’s your boy, ET.

Alright, thanks so much. Make today magnificent. And I can’t wait to see you tomorrow on another daily dose of greatness quest.

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