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Jess Todtfeld shares the secrets of getting on TV, Radio, and Print media and becoming a Media Star. This is the Insider’s Guide to Pitching the Producers and Promoting Yourself & To Getting Press Coverage For Your Business.

Guinness Record Setter for publicity reveals how you can get the press you deserve. Jess Todtfeld helps his clients to quickly gain the confidence and skills to master media interviews, speeches and presentations. Easy to understand systems combined with focused practice gives a quick boost in skills. This combined with Jess’ 365 day support and accountability program equals real results.

Jess Todtfeld, CSP, is one of the leading communication and media training authorities in the U.S. With more than 15 years as a media trainer and consultant, Todtfeld helps CEOs, business executives, spokespersons, public relations representatives, experts, and authors to become more confident, more in control, and to create more results from their speaking engagements and media appearances.

He brings with him 13 years of experience as a TV producer for NBC, ABC, and FOX, having booked and produced over 5,000 segments. Producing credits include being part of the team that launched “The O’Reilly Factor” and “FOX & Friends”. Jess’ time in front of the camera includes features reporting, guest spots on national/international news programs, and hosting of “America’s Premiere Experts” which has been broadcast on ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS affiliates in the U.S.